TopManager assets
There will be 6 types of assets in the game. The first type is "Player", they will be able to evolve with each training session and match the play. Whenever a season ends, their stats will be reduced according to game logic. So the more you train and use a player in matches, the better he becomes. The second type is "Special Abilities", which will be able to be equipped with a player in order to give a boost depending on the ability. The third type is "Gear" which offer a boost in player statistics when equipped. Each "Gear" can be equipped to only one Player at a time, and there will be different types and levels of gear. The fourth type is "Stadium" which will be released later in the game and will be able to generate income from tickets. Whenever a user wants to watch a match, he will be asked to buy a ticket, which will be also the income that the stadium generates. The last 2 assets are "Emblem" and "Jersey" where the user will be able to equip to their team, as well as create his own (through the "Creator Hub") and sell the to other managers.
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